Sarah S. Lawson
September 16, 2013
Joyce Willis
Reflection of the Self
Each and every person is different in their own way; people tend to look at their environments, through nurture and nature to develop a self concept. A persons self concept comes from both their past and their future; who the person is trying to be and who the person used to be. Personality studies illustrate how the individual looks to the world for hope, fear, and an understanding of what the world expects from them. Individuals look to others to see how to interact and for acceptance of who they are. When looking into society, one 's self is a personal attitude towards the world. Society influences peoples behaviors and …show more content…
plays important roles in how they choose to interact. There are three concepts of the self that an individual is made up of: Self concept, Self esteem, and self efficacy. We can see how these concepts would interact with who we are, and be able to perceive ourselves in the social world when we take a look into them. This should allow people to share personal events and experiences that are and have interacted with their own personal developments. By determining one 's self and understanding the concept of self esteem, self efficacy, and self concept as well as sharing ones personal events and experiences can give an idea as to who they are.
The Self
By perceiving who you are illustrates the self.
A persons self-concept will define the way they see these attributes and roles when looking at them self. One ideal definition of self comes from social interactions: these interactions influence and guide individual behaviors. As stated by Meyers (2010), "Self concept is made up of three sources: cognitive dissonance theory, self perception theory, and self presentation theory (p.140)". The self presentation theory demonstrates how people will try to stay consistent; people don 't want to be inconsistent or look like a fool. People can take consistency to the extreme and show hypocrisy or insincerity, but still manage to make a good impression and display the perception of them …show more content…
Cognitive dissonance theory shows how people are motivated to maintain a consistency with their own cognitions. People who are unreceptive to self correction justify their actions by believing they are true, this shows that the way people view themselves will become consistent with their actions no matter what they believed in the past. This theory shows self persuasion explanation , even though perception of the self shows you why people compare themselves to others.
Self perception is the action of an individual being judged by the action of other traits, attitude, and surrounding factors. When a person feels that their own attitude is missing they will look at them self like someone on the outside would look at them, they do this by looking at their behaviors and the events that led up to the attitude, this is called self perception. People tend to pay attention to their personal actions and attitudes like someone on the outside would, deducting the belief of how strongly a person acts to the situation at hand. People believe in who they are because of these three theories of self.
People become more defined by what they believe in them self and their capability to perform over the influences of others that have an effect on their lives. Self efficacy determines how people feel, think and motivate self behaviors. When a person doubts how capable they are they tend to turn away from tasks that are difficult, but when they have a strong idea of them self they will focus on how to perform effectively. Self interpretation is important when one is trying to grasp the idea of one 's self.
The Self of Sarah
There are three concepts of the self that I am seen in. These three concepts help to decide the actions I might take and how my personality traits are seen through my eyes, what I see as my role in society, my physical characteristics, and what I feel my values and goals are. The first of these would be the self concept.
Self concept
The way a person relates them self to the real world is the self concept. "The true self and the opposite of despair is the connection of self concept in present studies and how the experience of meaning of life connects to an individual (Schlegel, Hicks, Arndt, & King, 2009)". One 's true self serves in the importance of life. The way a person will go through life in a social world depends on how that person sees them self. When I think of myself, I see a unique individual, a mother, a wife, a grandmother, a daughter, a granddaughter, and a friend. I have strong morals for myself so I can set a good example for my children and grandchildren to follow by. I try to look to my family and friends for a grasp of how I should react and act in life 's many situations. I try to learn from their examples and add my own way of how events and situations should be treated. A person is an example of their own surroundings, As I have grown and developed in my surroundings, I try to remember to be true to myself, know myself, and most importantly to love myself. It is a necessity now more than ever to be true to yourself in this world that is ever changing. Self esteem helps to develop and maintain a self concept.
Self Esteem
People 's self assurance comes into play when maintaining a concept of the self. There is more than thinking highly of yourself when it comes to self esteem, it is a person 's feelings and beliefs of their value and capability. "A person should always have a state of good self esteem, often people fall prey to flatterers and become disheartened when confronted with danger (Buhrmester, Blanton, & Swann, 2011)". I think of holding my head high for the decisions I have made and not worrying about what others think of me when they are being demeaning, This is what I feel displays a self reflection of me. I don 't know any human being who is perfect, I know I 'm not. Although I am not the perfect size or the most intelligent person I am happy to be me. In my opinion self esteem is accepting me for who I am in a world that is not forgiving or accepting. A person needs to have high self efficacy In order to have a high self esteem.
Self Efficacy
Self efficacy can be raised by completing a task faster, better, or by being more successful than someone else and being praised for it. "Self efficacy demonstrates people 's ideas of judgment in accomplishing a task or reaching a goal although this is not sensed globally. The concept of self is how a person might think, feel, act, or motivate the self (Zulkosky, 2009)". Self efficacy is determined by my capability of reaching an accomplishment, doing things better than or the same as others that are good in that area, and by my accomplishments in life. Self efficacy can sometimes be accepting a new task and reaching that goal. Recently this means being able to succeed at my job at a higher level than some, continue to work for my degree so I can grasp a long awaited goal that will increase my belief in myself.
Social experiences or Events of Personal Development
I look back at my life and realize, there have been many social events that have helped to define me as a person. While I was young I spent time in and out of foster care, moving from state to state, and finally with my grandparents. I had to depend on my self esteem to make friends and adjust to my many new environments as well as overcoming my fears of not fitting in. At the age of 30, I had to start all over again when my husband and I moved to Arizona with our three daughters. I had to reset per say and decide who I was to me, look into who society expected me to be, and what role I was going to take in it. At this point in my life, how I perceived myself played a big role, being in a new state and facing new challenges as well as new goals and ambitions. I now have an ongoing personal development goal. I want to thrive, accomplish, and succeed from old and new experiences while working towards my bachelors degree. I need to look at my attributes and decide where I am now and where I want to be soon by understanding the importance of self. In order to help my journey of personal development I need to have a better understanding of self concept, self efficacy, and self esteem. Each of my life 's journeys has made me the self that I am today. By being able to make friends in my new environment I have become stronger in personable skills. I have achieved higher goals more quickly by being a strong woman while others depended on me to show them how to find their own examples of self. I have learned to work more productively in order to reach the appearance of self in order to be the person I am and the person I want to be.
In conclusion, the self is how a person sees who they are at a personal and social level.
A person 's environment has a lot to do with who they are and how they act. One 's self is a combination of identity, self concept, and self efficacy. An individual needs the characteristics from all of these to not only from their past but also develop toward their future of who they want to be. By loving yourself you are assisting in these goals and determining how the self relates to the social world and how well organized the self is. I depend on my strengths to achieve goals and to help myself mature in this world that is constantly changing, when it comes to my personal experiences. I am proud to be me, a strong, independent woman in a world that is full of unique
Buhrmester, M.D., Blanton, H., & Swann, W.R. (2011). Implicit self-esteem: Nature, measurement, and a new way forward. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 100 (2), 365-385. doi:1037/a0021341
Meyers, D. G. (2010). Social Psychology (10th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
Schlegel, R. J., Hicks, J. A., Amdt, J., & King, L.A. (2009). Thine own self: True self-concept accessibility and meaning of life. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 96(2), 473-490. doi:10.1037?a0014060
Zulkosky, K. (2009). Self-efficacy: a concept analysis. Nursing Forum, 44 (2). 93-102. Retrieved from EBSCOhost