By Fiona Barbouttis Martin BA (Psych) Grad Dip Sci (Psych)
A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy (Medicine)
Centre for Behavioural Sciences in Medicine
The University of Sydney
August 2008
All of the work described in this thesis was carried out personally by the author under the auspices of the Centre for Behavioural Sciences,
Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Sydney.
None of the work has been submitted previously for the purpose of obtaining any other degrees.
Fiona Barbouttis Martin
BA (Psych) Grad Dip Sci (Psych)
I am most grateful to my supervisor Professor Susan Hayes for her wonderful supervision and continued support and encouragement.
must go to Dr Douglas Farnill for his contributions and to Associate Professor
Jennifer Peat whose statistical advice was invaluable.
I am thankful to
Mrs Rebecca Rinaldo for her assistance. Sincerest thanks to my dear friend and colleague Katherine, who despite facing her own personal battle showed me tremendous support.
During my candidature I was fortunate to have completed an internship at
Division TEACCH, University of North Carolina and was a member of the diagnostic assessment team at Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect). I am in debt to those people who provided me with specialised training in the field of autism. Warmest thanks to my wonderful family for their support and understanding over the past six years.
This thesis is dedicated to my loving husband,
Jeremy for his love and support and to my beautiful 2 year old daughter
Sophia. I have also drawn strength from the memory of my beloved yia yia who passed away last year.
Finally, special thanks to the participants and their families, without