
Selfish Decisions In William Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Selfish Decisions In William Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet
“Never was there a tale of more woe, than of Juliet and her Romeo.” (Shakespeare 5. 3. 334-335). Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is a tragic tale that everyone knows, but many people are confused at what makes it so tragic. What makes this play so sad is that it did not need to end with such a sad ending. Romeo and Juliet are only children and have many hard choices that are pushed upon them. There are many instances where the kids ran wild with their fantasies, thinking that they were the wiser, but all that they were doing was jumping into their graves. If they had stopped to think or listen to the advice of elders, the story would be much happier. Rash decisions made by people with their heads in the clouds are seen as stupid or crazy by …show more content…
Romeo’s friends and family think that he is an idiot for pining over a girl that he hardly even knows, and they make sure that he knows it. “You are a lover. Borrow Cupid’s wings And soar with them above a common bound. . . . If love be rough with you, be rough with love. Prick love for pricking, and you beat love down.” (Shakespeare 1. 4. 17-28) There are many cases of Mercutio and Benvolio teasing Romeo or trying to convince him that he’s being irrational. Even so, Romeo is convinced that his sorrow is justified and he will feel this way forever. He is called a lover and a dreamer and here he is acting like that, he is not thinking things through and he is not taking the advice of others. This ultimately leads to his …show more content…
So much so that she could not bare a second without her Romeo. Everyone else thought she was joking when she said that she would kill herself again and again. “I long to die . . . to live an unstained wife to my sweet love” (Shakespeare 4. 1. 73-97) No one believes her, but she has got it in her head that death is such a good idea that she does end up killing herself. “O happy dagger! This is thy sheath; there rust, and let me die” (Shakespeare 5. 3. 182-183.) If she had thought through her options she would have seen that she didn’t need to kill herself, Paris was dead, she didn’t have to marry him anymore, she could live her life in Mantua and find a new love. But she didn’t think at all, she grabbed the nearest weapon and killed herself. Romeo too was obsessed with death. If he looked for other options and not kill himself and his life could have been completely

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