
Broken-Hearted In Romeo And Juliet

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Broken-Hearted In Romeo And Juliet

“Is love a tender thing? It is rough, too rude, too boist’rous and it pricks like thorn” (I.iv.25.26). This is an example of a simile. This line is spoken by Romeo, when he is still broken-hearted because Rosaline is choosing to be a nun, thus Romeo cannot marry her. Romeo’s cousin, Benvolio, and his good friend, Mercutio, insist upon taking Romeo to an elegant ball, ran by Capulet. Romeo says he is too hurt and devastated because he cannot marry Rosaline. He refuses to go have any amusement because he claims he is far too sorrowful. Shakespeare wants to show Romeo’s true level melancholy by saying how much it is hurting him to have been rejected by Rosaline. Luckily, Benvolio and Mercutio eventually get Romeo to give in on

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