During recent years there has been an expansion of information system covering the same domain. These systems need more and more to communicate, collaborate and exchange content with each other to achieve common goals. Many domains know this revolution, including the learning. Learning systems have a rich and varied content must be accessible, sharable, and exchangeable while keeping the same interpretation during exchange. So we need semantic interoperability between learning systems. The concept of interoperability can be seen as the ability to structure, formalize and present their content so that it is able to share and exchange. Several studies have tried to address this problem. They differ depending on the angle of treatment and technological requirement. This problem, has not yet found a definitive solution but is currently experiencing a revolution in the era of cloud computing. Some authors consider that the advent of cloud has solved problem of semantic inter-operability, or have reduced its complexity. On the contrary, other researchers believe that we are facing another level of complexity: that said it’s a simplicity or complexity of the problem of semantic interoperability? A question arises for us especially in the area of learning in the era of cloud. This article focuses on this issue. We propose, in this paper, an analysis of two views with the aim of building a combined vision of semantic interoperability in the d-learning in the era of cloud. As a first step, we present a conceptual part on the d-learning and the cloud computing to pinpoint new needs in terms of semantic interoperability in the d-learning? In a second step, we display some advanced research work dealing semantic interoperability. The objective is to analyze the impact of cloud on the progress of this domain. In the end, in the third step, we study this