One of the relevent issue that directly or indirectly related to MA practice is the E-Commerce. E-commerce may be defined as buying and selling over digital media. The explosion in e-commerce will affect managerial accounting. According to an articles during November/December trading period in the UK last year(2013) e-commerce accounted for over 10 per cent of retail sales for the first time.
One of the significant effect of this e-commerce is the business transactions can be conducted faster. Furthermore, these business-to-business transactional issues will causes a changes in the way managerial accounting procedures are carried out. For example, e-budgeting is now used by hundreds of companies to quickly and effectively transmit the information needed to construct a budget from far business units around the globe.
Moreover, another effect of e-commerce it will be a drastic reduction in paper work. Transactions between businesses will be conducted electronically with no hard-copy