Here are a few of my objectives for our senior year. For the past two years I have offered to create a website for the Student Council to interact with the student body, and for two years my offer was disregarded. As president I would make this concept a reality, providing students with a better avenue of communication not only with student council, but with other students as well. I want to create a place where students can share their concerns and comments with other students via a message board, and also voice their opinions by way of email directly to student council and class officers. Through the creation of this website, I also hope to forge a closer and lasting affiliation between the class president and the student council president. When other students considered running for this position and wondered what their potential duties would be, the most common answers were the semi-formal, speeches at assemblies, and leading the Pledge of Allegiance. If elected I will make this office more than just a formality. This year’s president told potential candidates that the job comes with many other duties that often remain unspecified until elected. I am not only eager to pursue these ventures, I will create more for myself because I truly want this year to be special for us, and I want to set precedents that will make the senior year distinctive for every future class.
I played a vital part in making this year‘s prom a success as part of the advertising, music, and decorating committees. Many of you told me that you enjoyed my daily pleas for strings of white lights at announcements, and I will