At birth the child 's physical development is more or less complete while psychologically it is still in the embryonic state. For this reason Dr. Maria Montessori called that the human being is still a "spiritual embryo" when it is born.
"Man seems to have two embryonic periods, one is prenatal like that of the animals; the other is postnatal and only man has this." -The Absorbent Mind, p55, Chapter 7.
“A child possesses an active psychic life even when he cannot manifest it, and must secretly perfect this inner live over a long period of time, it is the spirit of the child that can determine the course of human progress and lead it perhaps even to a higher form of civilization.”
The child will be born with innate potential and creative energy, which helps the child to grow into a unified personality. The child will be born with 8 psychic laws, which unfolds over a course of time. These 8 laws are 1. Law of work 2. Law of Independence 3. Development of will 4. Development of Intelligence 5. Power of attention 6. Imagination and creativity 7. Development of Community life 8. Stages of growth
HORME is an unconscious will power the urge the child on to do what he needs to do to aid his divine urge which guides the child and his efforts to their goal.
Creative energy guiding the child to absorb from the environment. Up to this every impression is unconsciously stored and absorbed is called Nebula.
The development of child into an adult is a long process.
For the child to develop into a unified personality, he requires aids. These aids are of 2 types-Internal and external aids.
The external aids are,
Dr Maria Montessori concluded that the child must possess within him a pre-determined pattern of psychic unfolding, which is not visible at birth. She referred to them as the spiritual embryo. Montessori believed that for the psychic