First what is the definition of sensory perception? It is the state of perceiving one's surroundings based on data collected from one's senses, which includes physical, emotional, and cognitive variations. Believing in the accuracy or inaccuracy of sensory information is to first achieve information from our own senses. A good example and gather information is from our sight. That is when seeing what is happening around us. The information is then sent to our brain, which help us to get understanding of our environment.
1. Going outside without a coat on in 20 degrees weather. Your sense of feeling will send a message to your brain that your body it cold. And you need to return to a warm place.
2. If you see two people talking, there is no doubt about them actually talking. If you see the sun during the day, you know it is not a cloudy day.
3. Sense of taste helps you to decide whether the food is eatable or not. Sensory organs in the tongue helps us to decide what we like and what we do not when it comes to tasting food.
When looking at the factors contributing to accuracy of sensory data, it is important to focus on factors that do not result to dysfunction but factors that assist in the organization of our thoughts and emotions as well as drive our behavior. One factor that contributes to the accuracy of sensation is sensation.
No one will have the same perceptions. Even with different cultures have different names for the same color or have the same word for two or more colors based on what they perceive of them.
With nature, some scientists maintain that perceptual interpretation which results to human knowledge is as a result of the innate or inborn ways through which sensory experiences are organized (Girodo, 1999). This way, the role of nature in perceptual interpretation is not negligible as it is from it that people, especially during infancy gain knowledge and experiences. On the other hand, some persons argue that the knowledge that people have on the world is more from the perception of experiences that have been learnt from the life in the world. Despite this two controversial perceptual interpretation or acquisition of knowledge, not is superior than the other as the endowments by nature and the experiences obtained from nurture are both useful in the establishment of human sensations (Girodo, 1999). This is supported by the fact that despite being born with innate visual mechanisms of the brain, infants require experience in order to activate such mechanisms. For instance a person who has been deaf since childhood has problems with sounds in the case where they recover their sense of hearing at and older age. Three factors contributing to the accuracy of sensory data. 1. Your sense of touch is found all over your body. This is because your sense of touch originates in the bottom layer of your skin called the dermis. The dermis is filled with many tiny nerve endings which give you information about the things with which your body comes in contact. They do this by carrying the information to the spinal cord, which sends messages to the brain where the feeling are registered. The nerve endings in your skin can tell you if something is hot or cold. They can also feel if something is hurting you. Your body has about twenty different types of nerve endings that all send messages to your brain. However, the most common receptors are heat, cold, pain, and pressure or touch receptors. Pain receptors are probably the most important for your safety because they can protect you by warning your brain that your body is hurt.
2. Your sense of sight from the moment you wake up in the morning to the time you go to sleep at night, your eyes are acting like a video camera. Everything you look at is then sent to your brain for processing and storage much like a video cassette. When light rays pass through your pupil, the muscle...
Food, drugs and sleep contribute to the accuracy of sensory data, without food reality not their real reality. If you do not get enough sleep lots of things. Sensorial information is not cognitive; it comes from the inside out, like a mobius strip, a continum