Sadness is a predator that can lurk in the minds of the emotionally injured. It can be inconspicuous and swift, or it can consume an individual and be the most prominent aspect of their life. It is complex and differs in severity. A person will generally feel three types of an emotional drag: a sort of nonchalant, short-lived sadness, a dwelling and despairing sadness, and an overwhelming sadness that takes over a person’s mind and being.
Being upset is a temporary emotion that can be relatively quick to alter. It’s when you’ve found out your favorite sports team lost in the finals, or when you’ve done poorly on something that you expected to do well. It’s not a shallow emotion; it’s just simply not intense. It often comes along with a “let down” feeling. A person can alter their mindset to a happier state because the severity of this sadness isn’t extreme. It’s a sighing kind of unhappiness laced with disappointment or lack of spirit. It is not heavy or dragging but instead is disappointing or despondent. …show more content…
This type of sadness is doleful. It comes with weeping and sorrow. It can be paralleled to heartbreak, crushing the spirit and muffling the happiness in someone’s life. A person would feel the pressure of tears trying to break free when they remembered the event. It’s an alter in behavior because something inside has changed. People who feel this emotion tend to fake a smile in order to avoid questioning. It’s destruction of the normality in which people work or function. The mind drifts to these thoughts relentlessly, causing turmoil with every remembrance. It’s moments when nobody is around to distract; the world comes crashing in once more like it was stacked up to