The application of computation methods to DNA and protein science is a new and exciting development in biology. Those technologies such as whole genome sequence and sequence program provide a gateway to study genome and its related issues. In the past twenty years, those evolutional technologies have lead in the determination of the completion sequence of a variety organism such as viruses, bacteria and C.elegan in 1998 (Sanger centre 1998). Human genome project (HGP) was established in 1990 and its purpose is to identify all the human genes and store this information in database. Until 2003, the enormous of the human genome has been fully sequenced (Little PFR 2005). The HGP had already result a significant effect on both biological research and its political organization. Nowadays, large advances in DNA sequencing technologies allow an individual to sequence its whole genome (Sboner et al 2011, Kent et al 2002). Genome sequencing contains the annotation of the sequence and interpretation of those sequences. It is technically hard and high cost in current time, although the advance technology developments allow doing this. Here, this comes to a question: What are the values in terms of knowledge or health care for having your own genome sequenced? This essay will discuss the benefit and concern of sequencing your own genome.
Technology and resources generated by the HGP are beginning to have insightful consequences on biomedical research and provides large amount of information to clinical medicine. DNA underlies most feature of human health which includes both function and dysfunction. The health benefits of genome sequencing are required to include both diagnosis and prevention which can be applied to personally unique genetic profile (Sboner et al 2011).
Gene testing
To enable a prediction or diagnosis, a gene testing is compulsory. Gene testing may require a blood sample to