Sergeant Hansel M Robinson, A very respectable WWII veteran.Was born Oct,23,1922 and graduated on the top 10% of his class in 1941. He very much enjoyed science and math and wanted to be an engineer when he grew older.Once he graduated Sergeant Robinson set off to seek his dreams. He started going to college and taking in all the knowledge that he possibly could. He took two terms of college and was getting closer to his dream,but what Sergeant Robinson didn't know was his path was about to change.
It was December 7,1943 , Sergeant Robinson was with his buddies listening to the radio when the crushing words, “Pearl Harbor has been attacked’’came threw. From that moment on Robinson knew what had to be done. On January,1,1943 …show more content…
in Jefferson Barracks Missouri Robinson was drafted into the military. Soon after training he was loading bombs on B 17 bombers getting them ready for battle.He had a lot of exciting stories to tell us about his experience with that.
Sergeant Robinson didn't have much help when growing up. One of the very few helpers was the military. After he had done his time in the military he started taking classes. Paid for by the military for joining which was well deserved, and helped him tremendously.He had one more helper which he says was his uncle which was a construction worker. He helped him a lot along the way because his dream was to be an engineer.
Sergeant Robinson is not a very easy man to scare.
He says he did not have many fears at all.Although the one thing that did bother him was loading those bombs up on the planes. A job not very many people can handle,not even myself could handle that kind of pressure.Myself being a volunteer Firefighter and serving my community as well I understand some of his fears of explosives but, not to the measures of what Sergeant Robinson.
Not only fears but Sergeant Robinson had a lot of hard obstacles along his heroic journey. The one thing he classified as the hardest was, having to to go to work and come home and feed a family of five and still have time to drive 50 miles away to get a college education. Which really encourages me and reassures me that you can achieve anything with hard work and integrity in what you do,because you can't get anything with laziness.
After talking to Sergeant Robinson for quite some time I got some very good intelligent advice. “Do something you love to do and work towards it don't just look for day labor”.That is something I really need to apply to my life, because although it's nice to have money, it is better to have a job you love. Like Sergeant Robinson who loved his job and loved to see kids grow. Sergeant Robinson is now living at morning side home in Missouri, and loves spending his free time reading and enjoying the