Though the main messages I think he was trying to persuade the readers would have to be Fear, Courage, Perseverance. Paul Berlin, went through a lot of fear throughout the whole story, and he experiences them in different levels, from Billy dying, the hazardous environment, his fear of dying, or just his fear of fear itself. He knew if wanted to survive this war he would need to have a lot of courage, he needed to be brave and when people die around him he would just have to push through and not be scared. Speaking of pushing through, perseverance is another trait Paul had, he could’ve just left the war but he didn’t, he choose to fight through and not give
Though the main messages I think he was trying to persuade the readers would have to be Fear, Courage, Perseverance. Paul Berlin, went through a lot of fear throughout the whole story, and he experiences them in different levels, from Billy dying, the hazardous environment, his fear of dying, or just his fear of fear itself. He knew if wanted to survive this war he would need to have a lot of courage, he needed to be brave and when people die around him he would just have to push through and not be scared. Speaking of pushing through, perseverance is another trait Paul had, he could’ve just left the war but he didn’t, he choose to fight through and not give