Begin by creating a folder or notebook where you can keep all of your information, research, and logs. You can save this packet or print it out. If you save it, be sure it is in a safe place to avoid academic integrity issues.
Name of Community You Will Serve _______Citrus County/Ocala______________
List at least five issues in your community. Indicate the two that interest you most.
1. *Littering in the forests
2. *Budget crisis for Progress Energy
3. Harassment
4. Preserving our fresh water resources
5. Caring for our senior citizens
Investigate the two issues you chose in the above question. Use this chart to take notes as you research. Use the library, Internet, family and friends, and trusted community members. Talk to at least three trusted adults about the issues you research. These people may suggest good ideas and websites for information. One example would be your city or county government website. Be sure to note where you find information in your chart. | Issue #1 | Issue #2 | What is your issue? | Littering in forest / mud hole | Progress Energy and Duke Energy | Who … a. Whom does the issue or problem affect? How does it affect them? b. Are others already working on the issue? c. Who else cares about it that you know? d. Who has information that can help you? | a. It affects the animals that live in the forest, because animals could eat the soda cans and trash and become sick. b. No, there is no one else working on this problem c. My friend that I'm working on this project with. d. People that go out there. | a. It affects the schools, because they have to go through budget cuts. b. Yes, The County Commission and School Board. c. People that used progress energy. d. The internet and maybe the school. | What … a. What factors contribute to the problem? b. What can people do to help? c. What type of service might