BX660016 and BS201698
Assignment Two
Strategic Service Quality Management Plan
Name: Jack Boxall
Lecturer: Rachel Byars
Topic: The Importance of Customer Focused Service Strategies
Due: Tuesday 8th May 2012 @ 1pm
Words: 3573
Plan Introduction
Envirowaste is a waste management organisation with branches throughout New Zealand which supply commercial solutions to waste disposal and recycling. Envirowaste is an independent limited liability company which is funds managed by Ironbridge Capital; an equity provider and small to medium business buyer. All Envirowaste branches are integrated and share assets between but are managed independent of one another. This service plan will be based around Envirowaste Christchurch’s branch and their independent business structure.
Through this report I will write on the importance of customer focused strategies to Envirowaste and how these strategies effect the delivering of quality customer service. I plan to present in this report a contextualised service quality plan aimed at improving customer satisfaction which will establish a sustainable competitive advantage for Envirowaste Christchurch.
Envirowaste- Christchurch
Envirowaste Christchurch is the second largest waste management company in the region. Servicing New Zealand’s communities and businesses through their specialist ‘EnviroSolutions’ (EnviroWaste, 2012) to reach their goal of maximizing recycling and resource recovery. Envirowaste see their company as waste management innovators, committing physical and financial resources in the pursuit of providing unique and new ideas to New Zealand’s waste needs. Envirowaste’s EnviroSolutions encompass a range of unique services including: * Integrated Assets: Network of national branches and full range of waste services. * Collection: Bin services, including EnviroCycle (EnviroWaste, 2012) bins for any recycling requirement * Recovery: Waste
References: Albrecht, K. (1984). The Service Triangle, from http://eep.store.merchandizer.com/merchant/newsite/samples/sme/sme2201.htm Boe, J. (2010). Customers for Life! Retrieved 7 May, 2012, from http://www.johnboe.com/articles/customers_for_life.html Carson, D. T. (2008). Customer Satisfaction and the Success of Your Organization. 7. Retrieved from Carson Research website: http://www.carsonresearch.com/pdf/Carson_WhitePaper_Part1.pdf Clemmer, J. (2010). Customer Loyalty Linked to Employee Satisfaction. Customer Service Manager Retrieved 7 May, 2012, from http://customerservicemanager.com/customer-satisfaction-is-a-reflection-of-employee-satisfaction.htm EnviroWaste. (2012). Services-EnviroSolutions Retrieved 2 May 2012, 2012, from http://www.envirowaste.co.nz/index.php?page=envirosolutions Gray, J. (2012). Ironbridge to sell interest in waste management company. Retrieved from NZHerald.co.nz website: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/environment/news/article.cfm?c_id=39&objectid=10800984 Heathfield, S. M. (2011). The Bottom Line for Employee Retention Retrieved 7 May, 2012, from http://humanresources.about.com/od/retention/a/manager_role.htm Lynch, H. (2011). Ironbridge’s EnviroWaste lifts FY earnings 6%, no word on timing of sale. Retrieved from Scoop.co.nz website: http://business.scoop.co.nz/2011/11/14/ironbridge%E2%80%99s-envirowaste-lifts-earnings-6-no-word-on-exit/ Philip Kotler, G. A. (2005). Principles of Marketing (Principles of Marketing): Prentice Hall; 11th edition (February 11, 2005).