One aspect to consider in changing the setting of Rebecca is the technology of that time. In the novel that is set in the late 1930’s, cars, phones, and motorboats are mentioned. Each time a character wanted to speak to another that was far away they would write a letter or call, however mobile phones were unavailable. If Rebecca was written in the present, the spread of information would have been faster. “When I read the note at four in the morning I decided it was too late to go crashing down on a six-hour run to Manderley.” The scenario of Favell receiving the note late would have been avoided if this occurred with today’s technology; this would have changed the plot since he would have met up with Rebecca that night. Advancements in the medical …show more content…
“'If they find out it's Rebecca you must say the other body was a mistake, ' I said.” In the novel when Mr. de Winter goes to identify the first body, coroners today would have been able to test the DNA and find who it really was. Another change that may have had the biggest impact on the story is divorce. In the novel Rebecca did not want a divorce while Mr. de Winter did. If the story was written in the 21st century Mr. de Winter could have filed for divorce easily and he could have set up cameras to prove Rebecca’s unfaithfulness. If Mr. de Winter was able to divorce Rebecca he would not have killed her. In turn there would not have been much of a