Geography MYP5A
Uzaifa Sheikh
Many problems exist for Less Economically Developed Countries’ cities all around the world. These may range from the favelas of South America to shanty towns present in Asia. Haphazard growth is one of the greatest difficulty for these slums and governments are striving to find practical and efficient solutions for shanty towns, such as the Rocinha in Rio de Janeiro. The UN needs to assist LEDCs in diminishing the issue at hand. There are several potential methods that could be adopted in order to solve the problems associated with overpopulation in these areas, however, each comes with its advantages and disadvantages.
There are various solutions that approach the issue in different ways. Some focus more on preventing future migration to shanty towns and thus directly address the overpopulation, whereas others focus on improving living standards in shanty towns instead.
Addressing overpopulation directly 1. The most simple and immediate solution to the problem is to remove all the inhabitants from shanty towns, forcing them to disperse in the countryside or migrate to the city. Accommodation would have to be provided for the inhabitants migrating out from the shanty towns which would require government funds as well as large amounts of space; both factors which LEDCs are currently struggling with already. Albeit this plan of action would immediately solve the problem of overpopulation within shanty towns, such action would have repercussions due to its impracticality which may eventually cause the same problem in profuse areas. 2. More feasible would be to encourage urban to rural migration through the means of development in the countryside. By rebuilding current buildings, creating new improved infrastructure and creating job opportunities, living standards in rural areas would improve significantly. This would not only stimulate migration from shanty towns to said country