Examine how population structure changes at different stages of the demographic transition model
Discuss the usefulness of at least 2 population measures as indicators of development (such as birth rate, death rate, fertility rate, infant mortality rate, life expectancy, migration rate and population density)
Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the demographic transition model
“For better and for worse?” Discuss how population change can affect the character of rural and urban areas.
“An ageing population can bring economic, political and social advantages as well as disadvantages.” Discuss this view.
With reference to two case studies of countries at different stages of development, assess the success of attempts to manage population change.
Comment on the impact of different population structures on the balance between population and resources
Outline and comment on the economic and political consequences of population change
6 markers
Discuss the implications of an ageing population
For 2 areas of settlement you have studied, describe how the provision of services is different
With reference to a case study, assess how successful one country has been in managing population change.
For two areas of settlement that you have studied, contrast the socio-economic characteristics of the residents.
Rivers 15 markers
Type up hard engineering case study
Describe and explain the formation of landforms resulting from rejuvenation
Physical factors are more important than human factors in affecting river discharge. Discuss this view.
Channel characteristics such as cross profile, wetted perimeter, hydraulic radius, roughness and efficiency change downstream. Describe and explain how channel characteristics change downstream.
‘Soft engineering is a better river flood management strategy than hard engineering.’ Discuss this view.
Assess the relative importance of physical and human causes of river flooding.
With reference to one case study, discuss the impact of flooding on people and the environment.
Describe how and explain why fluvial (river) landforms change downstream.
4 markers
Explain one way in which people can cause flooding
6 markers
Explain the formation of deltas
Ice 15 markers
Describe 2 or more landforms resulting from glacial erosion (such as corries, arêtes, pyramidal peaks, glacial troughs and associated features) and explain their formation
4 markers
Explain the annual changes in the active layer above the permafrost
Health 15 markers
‘An infectious disease has a greater impact on economic development than a non-communicable disease.’ To what extent do you agree with this view?
‘Transnational corporations have both negative and positive roles in world health.’ Discuss this view
Discuss the impacts of 1 non-communicable disease
Discuss the impacts of an infectious disease that you have studied, in 1 or more locations
With reference to one infectious disease, discuss its impact on health, economic development and lifestyle.
6 markers
For 1 country you have studied, describe its approach to healthcare
Comment on the impact of 1 non-communicable disease on economic development (Cancer in the USA)
Suggest reasons for regional variations in health in the UK – age structure, income, population
Comment on contrasting health care approaches in countries at different stages of development
Use a local case study to describe how health care is provided.