Seven Faces of Persuasion-
Interactive media – media in which the receiver is able to actively participate in the communication process.
Cultural diversity – the increasing numbers of persons from other cultural backgrounds, races, ethnicities, sexual preferences, educational levels, political and religious beliefs, etc.
Propaganda – set of messages designed to influence large numbers and warns that it is selective and that it “…presents facts selectively in order to…produce an emotional rather than a rational response to the information provided”.
Advocacy – to promote a given belief or course of action. “arguing on behalf of a particular issue, idea, or person.”
Response-ability – your ability to wisely and critically respond to the persuasion you encounter and to make wise choices and ethical decisions when you both process and craft persuasion.
Doublespeak – NCTE defined as deliberate miscommunication and which the American Heritage Dictionary defines as “evasive, ambiguous, high-flown language designed to deceive.
Scam – A fraudulent business scheme- a swindle. To deprive by deceit” The typical scam relies heavily on persuasion first in convincing the person to be scammed that the persuader or scammer is credible or believable.
Identity theft – Most commonly accomplished by phishing or representing oneself as a trustworthy financial institution in order to gain sensitive information that can be used to masquerade as someone else.
Self-protection –
Rhetoric - Aristotle defined rhetoric as “ the faculty of observing in any given case, the available means of persuasion.”
Artistic proof - the choice of evidence, the organization of the persuasion, style of delivery, and language choices.
Inartistic proof – includes things not controlled by the speaker, such as the occasion, the time allotted to the speaker, and the speaker’s physical appearance.
Ethos – The sources credibility, the character of the speaker.
Pathos – emotional