Sex in the Media – Not a good thing
Nicole Kimball
ENG122: English Composition II
Instructor: Hope Umansky
November 1, 2012
SEX IN THE MEDIA 2 Anyone who turns on the TV today can see that sex is a big factor in TV shows, commercials and just about everything on TV. Even shows that are intended for young children have some innuendos and even show kissing. The media in America has changed and continues to change how the youth and children of America view sex and its value. This paper will use examples of current shows in the media is affecting the youth in America. Back in the 1960’s the first time “The Brady Bunch” showed the mom and dad sleeping in the same bed there was uproar from the families all around America. When this happened the mom and dad were in their pajamas and were sitting in bed talking and not touching. Since that time sex has slowly become a very prevalent vein throughout the entertainment and even selling points on TV and on the internet. Some statistics of this are: * Estimated number of TV homes: 109.6 million * Average time kids spend watching TV each day: 4 Hours * Children spend more time watching television than in any other activity except sleep. - Huston and Wright, University of Kansas. "Television and Socialization of Young Children." * 54% of kids have a TV in their bedroom. - Ibid * 44% of kids say they watch something different when they're alone than with their parents (25% choose MTV) * 66% of children (ages 10 to 16) surveyed say that their peers are influenced by TV shows * 62% say that sex on TV shows and movies influences kids to have sex when they are too young * 77% say there is too much sex before marriage on television
(Pulled from If 54% of children have a TV in their room and they watch different shows when alone than when they are with a parent – what are they getting