While there is still sexualized traditional media like commercials and shows seen on TV, sexualized media has quickly expanded and escalated its influence to the internet. According to the Working Paper Report, "Influence of New Media on Adolescent Sexual Health," it states that: "Facebook is currently the most commonly used social networking site on the Internet, with half a billion current users. A 2010 Pew report indicates that 73 percent of American teens with Internet access now use social networking websites..." (14). Therefore, over half a billion people around the world are exposed to media and the hidden messages behind it. The influence of sexualized media does not just affect the United States; it affects everybody on the global scale. As a result, the American society and media are promoting ideas and beliefs such as self-harm for public image, the acceptance of sexism, the objectification of men and women, the disconnection of intimacy, and violence and sexual …show more content…
In the words of Jean Kilbourne, "Sex in advertising is more about disconnection and distance than connections and closeness" (270). Kilbourne argues that as long as sex is advertized, sex is desensitized in society and is set on becoming a normalcy. As the author of "Can't Buy My Love," Kilbourne demonstrates that a huge contributor to the increased sexism and stereotyping are largely found in advertisements. Kilbourne claims that in these advertisements, people are being sexual objectified for the purpose of "fetishizing" products. As a result, people are picking up the hidden messages from the ads and images, and applying it in society. In which Kilbourne explains "male violence is subtly encouraged by ads that encourage men to be forceful and dominant, and value sexual intimacy more than emotional intimacy" (272). Hence, Kilbourne proves that the "disconnection and distance" of intimacy in the ads construct an impression that it is easier to objectify people when there is no emotions behind the thought. As a consequence, this leads to physical act of violence and sexual assaults, especially towards women. As a result, women are physically becoming objects so that they can become a "status symbol" in the society. These women are famed and popularized, not for their personalities, but for their physical