identity is displayed. Traditional male was displayed as the strong rugged type and the
traditional female a weak homemaker or sex symbol. In poplar culture, these views have
changed. The feminine revolution of the 60's and 70's, have changed the way the roles
of women are displayed. The homosexual revolution of the 80's, 90's have enabled Gays
and Lesbians to be more open with their sexual orientation.
The traditional role of the men was the providers and protectors of the family. Men
were sent off to work and at times spent several days away from the family in order to
make ends meet. The media had displayed men …show more content…
as the rugged, strong cowboy type. The
traditional man did not nurture the children or express emotion due to looking weak in
their children's eyes. Arabs and Libyans regard women as creatures apart, weaker than
men in mind, body and spirit.
They were considered more sensual, less disciplined and in
need of protection from both their own impulses and the excesses of strange men
According to traditional upbringing women were considered as the homemakers and
raiser of the children. Women were not allowed to work outside the home due to the men
controlling everything. When World War II broke out, men were summons to war and
the commercial industry began to suffer. Women were then summons into the workforce
to pick up the slack of where the men were absent. The media displayed ads of women
working in the factories and taking over the roles men held. During this time, the
feminine revolution began to take place. Many women refused to become involved due
being afraid of what the men would think. When the men returned home from war,
women were sent back to the home so men can regain their role in the workforce.
Women found it difficult to go back to the homemaker role due to their independence
during this time. African American women had endured change of traditional roles since
slavery. Men were taken away from the family to work for slave owners and the
were left to not only raise the family but provide for them financially as well. According
to traditional Judaism are seen as separate but equal. Women's obligations and
responsibilities are different from men's, but no less important (
The traditional roles of the man and woman have changed drastically. The media
displays the popular family as men and women are equal partners. The economy now
takes two incomes and women are making just as much money as men. There are still
some circumstances where women work the same job as men and are paid less, but those
times are changing. Men are now staying home with the children because the women
make more money. The movie "Mr. Mom" showed how a man who lost his job, stayed
home with the children while his wife worked. In changing the home roles, the husband
realized how difficult and important his wife home job was, that he perfected it in a way
that showed that men can be stay at home dads. Oprah Winfrey show often has segments
of stay at home dads and how well rounded the children are due to this change in roles.
The media also has a big affected on the homosexual revolution. The media tends to
set the attitudes the public has toward homosexuals. At one time gays were supposed to
be silent about their lifestyle, but now are encouraged to tell all on popular daytime talk
show. The talk shows encourage on-camera fights and vivid descriptions of those whose
identities differ from the norm. All of this increases their ratings and makes more money
for the producers of the show and they do succeed where others have failed by giving
voice to those who are otherwise silenced ( Though the media, the
medical profession has opened up negative attitudes against homosexuals because of the
aids epidemic. There are many examples of the perception of homophobic attitudes such
as the treatment of people with HIV. The media helped to educate on HIV and AIDS that
many may not receive any other way. The media spent a great deal of time and effort on
the coverage of gays in the military. The military had adopted don't ask don't tell policy.
The media can be an educational tool if used correctly. The way men and women are
displayed can have a negative affect on narrow minded people and children. There are
some that feel men and women are losing their identity due to role changes and the
sexual revolution.