Instead she chose to comment as if she felt disrespected by Taylor’s refusal to work for Uber. In the message she portrayed that she “understood” Taylor’s refusal and went as far as to thank her for it. This interaction between Uber and Taylor, shows that Uber has no moral conduct or code of ethics when it comes to their business. They lack Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) presented in Chapter 4 of the text, and have no moral and ethical values discussed in Discussion 1. They also have a weak Social Environment discussed in Chapter …show more content…
For such a large company, They should have a strong internal social environment. If anything derogatory comes to light, they should be able to take care of it and stop the issue from reoccurring. Management needs to increase their corporate responsibility when it comes to the work environment. Not getting involved, and setting no ethical code of conduct or moral clause allows the workers to do as they please. This will bring a decline in customers as well as new workers. If Uber doesn't reform, the company will suffer and continue to get a lot of backlash from the public. Their supporters and sales will take a