English 066
Professor Viechweg
Is Sexting Really Safer Sex?
Today, more the 80% of the people who own a cellphone are at least 18 years old, and many of them have the habit of sending sexually explicit photos of themselves through social media, a habit commonly called sexting. While, everyday people are using their cell phones to communicate and keep in touch with family and friends, some use their phones in ways that aren’t smart. Sexting is a new trend that is currently happening in the United States. When discussing this topic many ask themselves, “What is Sexting?” “Is it really safer sex?” When it is examined, sexting is not sex at all, but is has emotional, legal and sometimes physical consequences, all of which be prevented.
Sexting can and do lead to emotional consequences when someone send semi-naked or naked pictures of themselves to others through their cellphones, email, or other type of social media. They do not know where they are going to end up. Those who choose to sext are taking a risk every time they send out inappropriate pictures. While married couples often do this to spice up a relationship, people in young relationships also do this to arouse or get the other person’s interest. Regardless of how much you trust that person; you never know what can happen or who has access to the other person’s phone. But if one chooses to do so they better are prepared for the after math of anyone finding out. A lot of people don’t see any harm in doing this because they obviously trust the person they are sexting, but are they the only ones really seeing those pictures? Everyone who has had his or her pictures seen, have a hard time trying to make everyone forget about it. This trend can destroy your life; people will judge you and look at you differently. If the picture falls into the wrong hands it may lead to bullying, harassment or black mail; the consequences are endless. The victim may feel humiliated and embarrassed