Tiffin University
Angela Hofacker
February 25, 2013
Instructor Nancy Golinski
SOC360 Multicultural Issues in Society
When thinking of the different minorities, the one minority that is sometimes not acknowledged as a minority is sexual minorities. These types of minorities can include those who are gay, lesbian, and even bisexual. For purposes of referring to sexual minorities, gays as a reference will be the primary focus. Sexual orientation has been deemed a hot and emotional topic. It can be controversial for many reasons but primarily because it affects so many on the emotional side. Sexual minorities are an established minority because of the discrimination, harassment, and hate crimes they have endured. Many misconceptions come with having a different sexual preference leading to discrimination, harassment, and hate crimes. When defining sexual minorities, this can include any sexual preference that differs from the traditional idea of relationships that are man and woman. There is an invisibility that comes with a person’s sexual preference. For example with racial discrimination, a person can visibly see why they are harassing or discriminating against a person. With a person who may be gay, it will only be known once that person chooses to tell those around him or her. “Being in the closet may appear to be easier than risking discrimination, harassment, ostracism, and being fired, but it comes with many negative consequences, including stress and anxiety related to continual fear of disclosure” (Bell, 2012, p. 354). For many this seems to be a common fear.
Gays are facing many barriers not just in their jobs, but also in their personal and public lives. There are many misconceptions about sexual minorities. They are prejudged at their jobs because of their sexual preference. The first barrier they face is false perceptions. It is suggested that many people think that all gays are only focused on sex, or finding a
References: Bell, M. P. (2012). Diversity in Organizations. Mason: South-Western. Bucher, R. D. (2000). Diversity Consciousness: Opening Our Minds to people, cultures, and opportunities. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. John. W. Johnson and Robert P. Green, J. (2009). Affirmative Action Historical Guides to Controversial Issues in America. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, LLC. Robinson, J. A. (2001). Affirmative Action: A documentary history. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. Sinclair Institute. (2012, June 20). Top 10 Misconceptions About Gay People [EXPERT]. Retrieved from Your Tango: http://www.yourtango.com/experts/sinclair-institute/10-myths-about-same-sex-unions-just-won-t-quit-expert/page/2 Walsh, J. (2012, May 10). Gay in America: Left Out of Family Leave . Retrieved from Huffington Post: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/janet-walsh/gay-in-america-left-out-of-family-leave_b_1507114.html