This research is to determine if the sexual orientation of homosexual parents has an influence on the child’s sexual orientation. When homosexual parenting is viewed within a positive aspect, research suggests that the development of a child’s sexual orientation is unrelated to the parent’s sexual orientation. When homosexual parenting is viewed negatively, research suggests that heterosexual parenting is the best parenting within the development of the child. To explore current arguments, three research studies: Bailey & Bobrow (1995), Golombok & Tasker (1996), …show more content…
The first study by (Bailey& Bobrow, 1995) researched the sexual orientation of gay fathers and their children sexual preferences.
This study is the largest to date to focus on the sexual orientation of adult sons of gay men. Fifty-five gay or bisexual men were recruited from advertisements in gay publications. Of the fifty-five gay or bisexual men there were 82 sons at least 17 years of age that were recruited. More than 90% of sons whose sexual orientations could be rated were heterosexual.
The second study by (Golomok & Tasker, 1996) was a longitudinal study of lesbian families. The study consisted of twenty-five children of lesbian mothers and a control group of 21 children of heterosexual single mothers were first seen at age 9.5 years on average, and again at age 23.5 years on average. Standardized interviews are used to obtain data on sexual orientation from the young adults in the follow-up study and on family characteristics and children 's gender role behavior from the mothers and their children. Although those from lesbian families were more likely to explore same-sex relationships, particularly if their childhood family environment was characterized by an openness and acceptance of lesbian and gay relationships, the large majority of children who grew up in lesbian families identified as