
Is Gay Parenting Bad For The Kids Essay

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“Is Gay Parenting Bad for the Kids?” In the society we live in today, many people believe that being raised by a homosexual or lesbian couple isn’t a good thing for the children. Based on the article “Is Gay Parenting Bad for the Kids?” it seems to me that Charles C.W.Cooke (the author) and Dr. Mark Regenerus also believe that gay parenting is a bad thing. In the article, Cooke says that gay parenting is a bad thing because, “the child(ren) will end up different” or “the children are going to be missing at least one of their biological parents and they might experience some instability. Even though this article is defending the fact that gay parenting is bad for children, there are a few key points that challenge this statement because I believe that homosexual and lesbian couples are just as good as heterosexual couples when it comes to raising children. …show more content…

Most heterosexual couples divorce even though they have family together, but lesbian couples continue to work things out in spite of their kids. That is a point that makes a comparison between lesbian and heterosexual couples. The next point is that, “children raised by homosexual or lesbian parents are as likely as children raised by heterosexual parents to be healthy, successful, and well-adjusted.” This means that no matter what sexual orientation the parents are, the child is not going to become a failure in life. They are still going to go to school, graduate, and become something in life. Just because the parents didn’t graduate doesn’t mean the child won’t graduate. Just because the parent didn’t become something in life doesn’t mean the child

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