Children, except for the very young, are often left behind for efficiency. Adults can cover more ground and go greater distances if their children stay in the village. This unsupervised time allows !Kung children the freedom to spend their time playing, which they prefer. However, this play does not only consist of making up games and activities, but also spending a considerable amount of time engaging in sexual play. Though adults do not approve of their children participating in sexual play, they do not do much about it. Adults remember playing the same way in their childhood, though they rarely admit to it (Shostak, 1981, p. 99). However, !Kung children primarily engage in those types of behaviors when their parents are not in view, and therefore do not have to worry about rebuke. Sexual play in young children begins with same sex play: boys playing with boys and girls playing with girls. Eventually, this changes and boys will begin to play with girls. Children want to pretend they are having sex to imitate what they saw their parents
Children, except for the very young, are often left behind for efficiency. Adults can cover more ground and go greater distances if their children stay in the village. This unsupervised time allows !Kung children the freedom to spend their time playing, which they prefer. However, this play does not only consist of making up games and activities, but also spending a considerable amount of time engaging in sexual play. Though adults do not approve of their children participating in sexual play, they do not do much about it. Adults remember playing the same way in their childhood, though they rarely admit to it (Shostak, 1981, p. 99). However, !Kung children primarily engage in those types of behaviors when their parents are not in view, and therefore do not have to worry about rebuke. Sexual play in young children begins with same sex play: boys playing with boys and girls playing with girls. Eventually, this changes and boys will begin to play with girls. Children want to pretend they are having sex to imitate what they saw their parents