A very staggering example of such shadow networks could be the “Black Money” of India, where nation’s wealth is stashed in foreign banks …show more content…
These are the power grids which shape the fundamental economic political dynamic of the world today. They are relatively more powerful than the formal institutions. There amassed abundant economic fortunes can be translated into a new political power, can reshape social, economic and political landscapes. Today, if Indian government authorities would consider revelation of the actual amassed fortune in the black market, utilizing the same for nation’s development, it is argued by academics that India can easily challenge other developed countries. But, real facts are kept hidden and ignored as it involves hordes of influential investors on whose assent Indian economy can flourish or …show more content…
Seeing such complex dynamics, author is forced to contemplate upon the actual authority of power, is it these shadows or the sovereign. She questions the centrality of so called sovereign as the ultimate authority/power, as the main provider of security and social control. Ironically, these shadow powers are turning out to be more trustworthy and reliable than the actual so called “sovereign”, and if designated these shadows can socially have a declared status parallel to the “legal