Racism is the most commonly seen theme in Shakespeare’s play ‘Othello’. The racist characters in Othello often use derogatory terms to describe the main character of the play, Othello. The quote “What a full fortune does the thick lips owe” from Roderigo describing Othello with the racist term “thick-lips” used to describe those of a darker skin colour. Derogatory terms such as this are seen universally in today’s modern society.
Jealousy is a recurring theme in Shakespeare’s play ‘Othello’. The main antagonist ‘Iago’ is often seen talking to himself explaining as to why he feels the need to manipulate and feel hatred towards Othello. Iago feels jealous towards Othello seen in the quote “I hate the Moor and is thought abroad that ‘twixt my sheets”. In the quote he feels that the rumours surrounding Othello sleeping with Iago’s wife Emillia are true. The theme of jealousy is universal as it is still seen today as a common emotion.
Honour is a theme in Shakespeare’s play ‘Othello’ that usually surrounds the main character ‘Othello’ although it is seen as the reason for most of the events that occur during the play. Many of the characters feel that Desdemona is dishonouring her family and her race by falling in love with Othello, a dark skin coloured man. In the quote “lined their coats, do themselves homage” from Iago stating that people do dishonourable and questionable things to gain honour. The themes of honour and dishonour are commonly seen in today’s society thus making the themes in Shakespeare’s plays universal which is also represented in ‘Othello’.
Universal themes in Shakespeare’s plays can be represented throughout the recurring themes represented in Shakespeare’s ‘Othello’. The themes in Othello can include racism, jealousy and honour which can all be seen as universal thus proving the statement that the themes in Shakespeare’s plays are universal.