He has already earned the title of Thane of Glamis, and as foretold by the three witches, will soon take reign as the Thane of Cawdor. These titles indicate that Macbeth had achieved the ranking of political importance, and is moving up in the ranks of Scottish nobility. Duncan addresses Macbeth as, “valiant cousin, worthy gentleman” and later as a “Worthy Thane”. (Act 1, Scene 2) As the leaders of his country, Duncan speaks highly about Macbeth, which shows at that time his respectable and honorable nature. Duncan speaks highly of Macbeth; unaware of what Macbeth will later inflict on …show more content…
Macbeth has multiple flaws in his character, the most prominent being his hungry ambition and him being easily impressed by words. After the witches reveal to Macbeth some prophesy about his bright future of nobility in Scotland. In act one, three witches who in turn contribute to the downfall of his character confront Macbeth. They tell him he will become Thane of Cawdor, Thane of Gladis, and King of Scotland. These prophecies arouse Macbeth’s curiosity to rise to power. Once the witches give him the prophecy of becoming king, he immediately thinks about how he can accomplish this. In Act I, he says, “If good, why I yield to that suggestion? Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair? And make my seated heart knock against my ribs. (Act I, iii. 14-137). Macbeths honorable nature seemed to fade, and was soon replaced by a “by any means necessary” attitude. Macbeths desire for power, along with swaying words from Lady Macbeth, lead to him murdering King Duncan in his sleep. This action supports the saying “No honor amongst thieves” (Act I, Scene III) Macbeth robbed Kind Duncan of his crown like a thief in the night.