The movie revolves around the two characters Andrew Dufresne and Red. Andy Dufresne, is sent to Shawshank Prison for the murder of his wife and secret lover. He is very isolated and lonely at first, but realizes there is something deep inside your body, that people can't touch and get to....'HOPE'. Andy becomes friends with prison 'fixer' Red (Morgan Freeman), and Andy epitomizes why it is crucial to have dreams. His spirit and determination, leads us into a world full of imagination, filled with courage and desire. This is about how he spreads his message of hope through the Shawshank Redemption!!!
The main character is Andy played by Tim Robbins who is imprisoned for the murder of his wife. Later on in the movie, the evidence comes out that he is truly innocent. However The Shawshank Redemption sends a powerful message that it doesn't matter whether you are innocent or not inside Shawshank penitentiary. This is because the prison is run by a sadistic and corrupt staff. In this facility, you must use all of the intellect you can, both book smarts, and street smarts to not only stay alive, but prevent yourself from going insane within the system.
Before prison, Andy is the famous Portland Bank vice-president, faced 100 lawyers accused him of hearing, but insisted on his innocence, Andy not reconciled to spend rest of his life in prison so he was struggling to break free like a bird cage Like children aspire to live in freedom outside prison, so quietly spent a month in prison after Andy decided to escape.
What is special about The Shawshank redemption is how the characters, especially Andy and Red, are able to use their inner abilities to rise above the conditions of the prison and the people who run it. There are some disturbing and violent images that show the harsh realities of prison life, such as fighting,