The Shawshank Redemption is a great film depicting the journey of Andy Dufresne, as played by Tim Robbins, getting convicted of murdering his wife and getting sent to jail. The only thing: he didn't do it. This is one of my most favored movies to watch, it also happens to be a good short story by Stephen King. One of the main things that rally grabbed my attention was the casting. I feel that Morgan Freeman as Red was a great choice. His acting is always superb in any movie, and he really shines in Shawshank. Then of course there is Tim Robbins as Andy, and he seemed like a perfect fit. Andy is a soft spoken banker and Tim portrayed him well. Some of the more interesting characters are the guards, …show more content…
Andy starts off as a new fish in a big ocean. He has to learn all of the tricks of the trade with the help of some "good" inmates like Red and Heywood. Not long after is he just a regular prisoner, except there are tensions between him and some other homosexual inmates who attempt to rape him. He get back at them by siding with the guard and helping them do taxes, because of that the guards prevent the other inmates from touching Andy. I though that was a nice reverse of power between Andy and the bad inmates; also he has an increase of power with the guards and can get …show more content…
One of the first that we encounter is in the beginning in the court scene where they are cutting back and forth between the trial and what went on the night Andy's wife was murdered, it really make s you think that Andy was the culprit. Some other good cuts are when they go from Andy talking to a single guard about taxes, and then there's a big line of people wanting to get it done, this again proves Andy's power in Shawshank which is continually shot down by the warden. Also there are a few montages of the steps Andy did to escape from Shawshank. Lastly, a shot towards the end when they show the tree that Andy buried some things for Red to find, I just likes the alignment of the tree with a stone wall coming up to it from the side in a field. It shows that this must have been an important