Directed by Frank Darabont, 'the Shawshank Redemption' tells the story of a wrongly convicted murderer who faces two life sentences for the death of his wife and her lover. Despite losing his freedom and sometimes dignity he never lost hope.
There are many targets which can be made to help assist with the production of a trailer next year. These vary from the research and planning to the practical side of the creation of the trailer. I have learnt a lot new skills which will be revisited next year.
The timing of the filming is a main section we would need to focus on, this is because we struggled to find the time and motivation to go outside and film due to different commitments each of us encountered. This soon led to problems with the locations we had planned to film in because the weather was changing increasingly quickly which meant there was no form of continuation so the scenes were looking different. In the end we had to try and fit all the filming into a 1 week time bracket due to re-filming scenes. This proved difficult however we managed to complete it.
Another area we would try to improve in would be the use of lighting, this is because we did not take into consideration the affect lighting has on the way a film is perceived by the audience. The lighting differs from when our antagonist enters the home and when the protagonist comes home, even though this could be seen as a logical idea, the gap between the two characters entering was too small to have a large difference in lighting. The lighting in the house should have also been adjusted to make the protagonist seem more vulnerable than how she was originally portrayed.
In our next film-making we aim to use a variety of different locations which would seem a lot more challenging. Due to the difference in criteria for next year, it has hard to predict what will have to change, because making a trailer is completely different to