Within childcare practice we must be aware that we have a clear and defined role in relation to child protection. Professionals working with children/young people i.e. teaching assistants, volunteers,…
Facts of Situation A as it pertains to the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA).…
We have all heard the phrase, “Stretch your dollar”, but have you ever stopped to consider what all goes on behind the scenes in order to make this stretch occur? What rules of economics and finance play into making your hard-earned dollar stretch to its maximum value? While the topic of stretching your money spans across all areas of business, finance, and economics, I will focus on the fundamental principle of economic stretch; elasticity.…
Business ethics can be defined as “written and unwritten codes of principles and values that govern decisions and actions within a company.” (Love to Know, n.d.) Behaving ethically is extremely important for businesses in order to cultivate an image of responsibility and grow a loyal customer base. Companies have a moral obligation to help the communities from which they profit to grow and prosper.…
* Problem Statement- Which liquid freezes faster hot water (212 degrees) or cold water (35 degrees)?…
Explain how to maintain records so that they are up to date, complete, accurate and legible.…
Executive A’s style of leadership is most closely related to that of a level 5 leader. Level 5 leaders blend the paradoxical combination of deep personal humility with intense personal will (Collins, 2001). In the situation given for this scenario it seems apparent that executive A has many of the traits that would be used to describe a level 5 leader. Executive A is described as driven, highly ambitious and solely focused on the success of the company; these are all traits of a level 5 leader. These types of leaders are routinely described as showing great humility; this trait is evident in executive A’s reluctance to take recognition for the company’s achievements while routinely crediting other management in the organization. Playing into the idea of humility, this also seems apparent in the way that executive A is quick to accept accountability for errors. The fact that executive A was able to take this companies and its stock from mediocrity to greatness and actually keep it there is one of the most recognizable trademarks of a level 5 leader.…
The Education Act 2002 poses a duty on education authorities to promote and safeguard the welfare of children and young people. This affects my day to day work as I must be aware of the child protection procedures at all times, such as how to spot the signs of abuse, how and who to report my concerns, how to maintain a safe school environment, be aware of the health and safety of children and to be able to undertake any training required of me.…
There are a large range of professionals who work with a schools on a regular basis to help children’s learning and development. They will come in and work with the head and other staff when needed, especially when there are a high number of children with learning, physical and behavioural difficulties in the school.…
In my work placement we have two staff meetings a day to ensure we talk over the days events, we have one first thing in the morning before lessons begin and the we have another at the end of the day, this one is to discuss anything that may have happened in school time and needs to be handed over to the other school staff, or if we have any concerns over a child. Our head mistress is always present in our meetings and will take notes if needed so she can then pass it all over to the whole management team. If a child has come into school and we seen any signs harm this is then handed over instantly either by telephone or in person to the management. If a child discloses something that could be a child protection matter then i must inform the child that i will need to hand this over to the team and miss.........(the child protection officer) so…
Physical Abuse - Physical injuries which have no satisfactory explanation or where there is a definite knowledge, or a reasonable suspicion that the injury was inflicted with intent, or through lack of care, by the person having custody, charge or care of that person, including hitting, slapping, pushing, misuse of or lack of medication, restraint, or inappropriate sanctions.…
In my assignment I will be looking into the following: The provision of services that provide children’s care and education in the UK; legislation, principles and values that underpin working with children and also the importance of a child centred approach; the importance of valuing, listening, and showing respect towards all children in the setting; how developing the professional skills and study skills will support me during my training and work; how I need to develop and maintain appropriate relationships with parents and other professionals as well as understanding the limits and boundaries of my role.…
We need to build positive relationships with children ensuring that they are open and trusting as this lays the foundation for them to know and feel that it is appropriate and acceptable to talk to us about anything. We should talk to children in a calm and relaxed manner and at the child’s level as this is one of the most powerful ways of giving them a clear message. We have to encourage children to have their own voice by having their own opinions and views about things and events in order that they are able to learn how to make informed decisions that are not unduly influenced by others around them. In short practitioners should:- ensure that all children and young people are taught to keep themselves safe, encourage them to talk about their worries and speak to others, use age appropriate language when speaking to pupils, never promise not to tell others if a pupil discloses that they have been abused, set an example by encouraging co-operation and positive…
It is important for practitioners to identify children’s care and learning needs in a setting, there are many reasons for this. Firstly, is to promote development. Some children develop and learn faster than others and it is partly our responsibility to ensure all children’s needs are cared for no matter what stage of development they are at. We can do this by carrying out observations; these help us to identify the exact learning needs of children. They can show us clearly what stage of development each individual child is at, we would compare each child against milestones for that age and stage of development and then we can begin to plan to meet the learning needs of certain children who are not meeting milestones and also plan to accommodate for those children who are over excelling the milestones. Children will develop better if there are adequate numbers of staff/adults present, taking into account the correct staff ratios for each particular age of children. With more hands on around the setting children will benefit greatly so it is important to plan how many adults/staff should be present for a particular day/activity, by doing so there is a higher chance of meeting all of the children’s needs. For example, in my placement I am in a Primary 1 class where there is a teacher and a classroom assistant. For this age range of children the extra support is extremely important as the children’s care and learning needs are higher than that of a Primary 7 child i.e. toileting, a Primary 1 child would need more assistance than that of a Primary 7 child. So if a teacher is caring for the needs of a child who has had a toileting accident it is important to have a classroom assistant so that the other children are supervised and their needs also met.…
It is the role of the classroom teacher to plan each school day's lessons and adapt said lessons to the different academic levels befit to each child within the class, this may involve grouping pupils into diverse ability levels. The teacher then has to deliver the lesson ensuring that each pupil understands what is expected of them and what they can learn from that particular lesson. It is then the responsibility of the teacher to mark the pupils work after they have completed the lesson commenting or appraising the pupil on their work or make notes of any observations they have come across. Should there be any concerns such as poor reading or writing skills or disabilities etc the teacher may then pass any issues onto the headteacher, parent, Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO or other professionals.…