The lights on the sides of the stage shines right into the audience’s faces that were sitting on the far sides of the house. Besides this distraction, the lighting was often very dim or sparsely lit. I thought it might have been a limitation of the space, but there were a few scenes that were very well lit, so I was confused about the purpose of that. It didn’t really seem to add much to the production and was much more distracting in its limitations than it was enhancing. Sound was a prominent part of the show, often used during the fight scenes. I actually liked the use of sound in the fight scenes. Although the intense music was another component of the over-dramatic action of the show, I felt that it was one of the few necessary ones. There obviously needed to be some sound to fill this time, and it would have been odd for it to be something other than the intense mood that was clearly trying to be created. Besides
The lights on the sides of the stage shines right into the audience’s faces that were sitting on the far sides of the house. Besides this distraction, the lighting was often very dim or sparsely lit. I thought it might have been a limitation of the space, but there were a few scenes that were very well lit, so I was confused about the purpose of that. It didn’t really seem to add much to the production and was much more distracting in its limitations than it was enhancing. Sound was a prominent part of the show, often used during the fight scenes. I actually liked the use of sound in the fight scenes. Although the intense music was another component of the over-dramatic action of the show, I felt that it was one of the few necessary ones. There obviously needed to be some sound to fill this time, and it would have been odd for it to be something other than the intense mood that was clearly trying to be created. Besides