Shigallosis are a group of bacteria that cause an infectious disease that principally affect humans and primates. Is the third most common type of food poisoning in the US after Salmonella and affects nearly165 million people every year worldwide with 250,000 reported and estimated 45,000 reported cases in the US alone. my research review will cover an answer the following questions.
1.)what are the symptoms of shigellosis?
2.)which ways can you get Shigellosis?
3.)what are the preventive measures you can take to avoid it?
4.)what treatments work for shigellosis?
5.)what foods have been commonly associated with shigella.? In my research the most concerning thing that I found was how easy it is to contract this disease through such careless behaviors as simple as not washing your hands or unclean environmentdrop my paper you will learn commonalities preventions and and causes of Shigellosls With hope will create sanitary cooking environments and habit.
. Shigellosis Food Borne Illness
. What are the symptoms of shigellosis , Shigellosis is a highly contagious infectious disease that creates a string of very unpleasant symtoms. Severe diarrhea and stomach cramps most common in Shigellosis case. most are infected with Shigella develop diarrhea fever and stomach Cramping after they are exposed to the bacteria. symptoms also include fever fatuge nausea and vomiting. Although mostly unecessary, some extreme cases require treatment or hospitalization. symptoms usually last 5 to 7 days( Shigella thrives in the human intestinesand is commonly spread through both food and person to person contact. Some persons who are infected May show no symptoms at all but may still pass the shigella organism others
. In which ways can you get shigella, Shigellosiscan be
References: ( niaid.,Shigellosis,)January 19th 2012 (,index, September 5th 2011 (,index, May 13th 2013 (, pg5,article110403 ( diseases and epidemics, 2002,DavidPerlin,Phd ( (/