Ci (a) Identify Legal requirements for dealing with complaints. The complaints procured must be on show for everyone to see, as it is part of the Care Standards Act 2000. Complaints must be acted upon and put right as soon as possible. (b) Identify organisational requirements for dealing with complaints. Again the complaints procured must be on show as it is part of the Care Standards Act 2000. It is my duty of care to explain and help the person who is making a complaint to fill out the form correctly, so it can be dealt with.
Cii – Complaints may be received from service users, other practitioners, or the family of service users. Describe the important points to remember when responding to complaints. Firstly, it is very important to listen to exactly what the individual is complaining about and if it is easily solved by you then do so. If it is something that you are not able to solve yourself then take the complaint to your manager who will then go and speak tot he individual to hopefully solve the problem. Always remember that a complaint is not to be seen as a negative issue, it is giving the individual a ‘voice’ to raise there concerns. After speaking to your manager, check that the issue is being dealt with and always keep the individual informed with any changes. It the problem has just been ignored and not dealt with. Support your individual to put the complaint they have in a written form. Therefore it must be dealt with, within 28 days.