Mary Shelley’s novel “Frankenstein” is based on an individual’s (Victor Frankenstein) passion to bring life from the dead, Victor’s passion makes his life hell and full of misery. There are some problems that existed before and after Victor’s hellish creation. Victor was a very happy man, until he created The Monster. Many differences existed before Victor created The Monster, the differences consisted of Victor being happy and in love. There were not many problems that existed before The Monster came about. Victor’s love for science is what made his life miserable because his creation terminated his family and the love of his life.
Before The Monster was created, Victor Frankenstein was a happy man. He wanted to go to school in Geneva and learn to be well educated. He also had a great family who supported to go to College in Geneva. Victor was in love with his half sister who was adopted and he wanted to marry her, then The Monster was created. Before The Monster was created, there were so many differences. Victor was a very happy man, Victor was not sad, no tragedies had …show more content…
By bringing the dead back to life he created The Monster. Victor neglected The Monster, then The Monster started to hate Victor for not showing him compassion and a sense of love. The Monster hated Victor so much he started to murder Victor’s, the only way The Monster would stop all the madness was for Victor to create him a spouse. Victor created a spouse, but the creation sets itself on fire and ended its life. Then Victor thought the only way to stop him from making his life misery he would have to kill The Monster with his bare hands, he was not successful. When Victor died on the boat The Monster felt like he had no reason to be alive because he could not control Victor’s life because that is what he did. So The Monster ended its life by cremating itself with his creator,