M1 &D1
Why do we need to spot the signs?
So we . . .
• Help and protect the service users
• Follow the correct legislations – Equality and
Diversity Act, Human Rights Act and The Care
Standards Act
• Follow the Care Value Base
• Follow professional bodies codes of practice
• Follow codes of conduct, policies and procedures in a health and social care setting
• Assess the likely immediate effects of two different forms of abuse on the health and wellbeing of adults.
• You need to consider what effects instantly follow two different types of abuse for example; physical abuse may affect the adult by bruising and fracturing them. Also explain how the abuse can affect the health and wellbeing of adult.
• Consider – Physical - fracture
• Could the injury effect them doing everyday things?
(e.g. fracture leg would cause isolation)
• Could it lead to further health issues? (Bed sores)
• Does it effect how they feel and act towards others?
(Depression and low self esteem)
• Would we see changes in these person as a health worker and what? (Body language, depression and anxiety). D1
• Evaluate the potential long-term effects of these two types of abuse on the health and well-being of adults.
• You need to consider what effects will concern the adult in the long-term, for example; sexual abuse can lead to the adult feeling shame or fear of reporting the incident and having long-term anxiety, depression and fear of certain people.
Consider …
• What are the long-term effects of abuse? (Included lasting injuries also lasting feelings and emotions about the abuse).
• Would the person being abused report it? if not why not?
(shame, scared, social isolation).
• Should we report it if we see it and why? (CVB, Whistle blowing and professional code of practice).
• What will be the positives effects of reporting this? (The person being abused and other service users).
• Why is it important that it gets reported and what