Should a person really be viewed as an adult at eighteen? There is a lot of controversy as to whether or not a child should be treated as an adult at the age of eighteen. A lot of questions come along with it such as ?Is a child really mature enough at that age??. Nonetheless a child should be viewed as an adult at the age of eight-teen because this is when children are expected to be mature enough to make their own important decisions.
Legally a child becomes an adult when he/she turns eighteen and this comes with a lot of responsibility?s. When a child turns eighteen they have already been able to drive for two years. But, now they can vote, own a house, and get married If they choose. ?In law, a minor is a person under a certain …show more content…
They need to keep their child responsible for their actions and begin to treat them like an adult. Without this help from their parents to push them into the real world a grown adult could end up still acting like a child. ?Life skills that should be learned in childhood and adolescence are often postponed until kids are in their twenties and thirties, and sometimes, learning the life skills needed to function as independent adults are delayed indefinitely.? (Are You Stunting Your Kids? Transition into Adulthood?) This quotation shows the importance of slowly acclimating your child into adulthood so they are ready to be an adult at the age of eighteen. A child?s readiness to be an adult all depends on the involvement of their …show more content…
Some will say an eighteen-year-old is not mature enough to take on the responsibilities of and adult. In the old times people were already raising their families at the age of eighteen. In modern day society children are apt to sticking around and receiving luxury benefits from their family. But, parents need to realize they are only enabling their children and they need to grow up. Although some people will still argue that eighteen has the word teen in it so an eighteen-year-old is still a child until they turn 20. It should not matter the word that is used to describe your age. When you are eighteen you are mentally capable of being mature and growing up. A child must be taught responsibility from a young age so by the time they enter adulthood they are not in shock.
A child who is eighteen is capable of being mature enough to make their own decisions. Parents must realize this and treat their children as adults or their kids will grow up thinking they deserve everything. Because a child has more responsibilities at the age of eighteen parents need to help decrease the issue of children never growing up and take action now. If no action is taken than the child will have no appreciation for the things people do for them and will believe they deserve whatever they