When selecting a book for this assignment I had no idea at the time that reading a simple book for a college nursing class would truly change my life. By exploring what healthy eating is and learning how to use it to prolong my life and reduce disease I have begun to change my own eating habits. I have learned that diets I have tried in the past are actually harmful to me. I have learned how to turn things around and start eating for health and long life disease free. In turn I have begun to change my life and I look forward to helping my children eat a more healthful diet and change their lives also. I had to ask myself the question: Should I continue to diet? Or not?
The End of Dieting: How To Live For Life …show more content…
I originally choose this book because I read the first chapter of each of the three book options, but this book immediately caught my attention. It was easy to read and definitely interested me since over the last three years I have started eating a healthy diet. The main reason
I started eating a healthy diet was to lose weight and lower my cholesterol. Although I have lost forty pounds and my cholesterol is now in a healthy, normal range after reading this book I have learned so much more about what healthful eating is and how best to prevent disease.
The Diets That Could Be Killing You
One of the main pieces to the book, The End of Dieting is the extensive review of so called “diets” that have been widely supported in the US over the last several years. Various
“diets” including the “Paleo Diet”, “Gluten Free Diet”, Standard American Diet”, and others are described from a scientific and medical perspective. Diet “myths” as Dr. Fuhrman calls them are pretty much debunked and proven to be dangerous and certainly not proper diets for anyone
3 seeking health. Each of these diets focuses on one aspect and that is weight loss, not health.