Honorable adjudicators, Ladies and gentlemen,
Today’s motion is “Animals should never be kept in zoos”. Our team totally oppose to the motion. Mind the word ‘never’ is used, which gives a very extreme meaning.
Our opponents may say that animals come from nature. They deserve and have to live in their own habitat to make sense. We, human beings, should never disturb them. There should be a clear boarder between them and us. However, is the really practical? The following arguments will explain.
First of all, zoos keep animals for educating the public. Zoos are not amusement parks or circuses, animals are not required to be trained to perform. I hereby show sympathy for animals which are mistreated. Ladies and gentlemen, Animals in zoos are real, which attracts the public to visit. There is information about each species and visitors can know more about a variety of species if they read the descriptions. Even if not, at least they know they exist such kind of animal on earth and appreciate the biodiversity of nature. Zoos can also organize programmes and activities to enable participants to understand more about certain species in detail. Clearly, animals in zoos are valuable for educational purpose.
Secondly, zoos can preserve animals. Apparently, animals can evade not only predators but also natural disasters like earthquake, hurricanes and so on so forth. This helps them to breed. Then, animals are not endangered or to face extinction. We can now protect what the nature gives us, as this is also our responsibility. In order to safeguard a diversity of species, it is of no alternatives but to keep some of them in zoos. Ladies and gentlemen, we have destroyed the nature enough since industrial revolution, it is time for us to repay and protect animals by simply