Child soldier practices should be banned because the children are put into dangerous situations. According to “Armed and Underage” …show more content…
According to the article titled “Armed and Underage” by Jeffrey Gettleman it states,"’They don't complain, they don't expect to be paid—and if you tell them to kill, they kill." This piece of evidence shows that children don’t complain and when they are told to kill, they kill. This piece of evidence supports the claim that child soldier practices should not be banned because children would kill enemies when they are told to so that the threat level will be lowered. According to the same article by Jeffrey Gettleman it states, “"Child soldiers are ideal,’...” This piece of evidence shows that child soldiers are ideal. This piece of evidence supports the claim that child soldier practices should not be banned because child soldiers help to reduce enemy threats since children do everything they are told to do. Although this may be true, I believe that children should be able to grow up without having to put themselves in dangerous situations or be forced to fight in wars. According to the article titled “The Charge: Genocide” by Lydia Polgreen it states, “ On horses and camels, they have stormed black villages, setting fire to huts, stealing cattle, and raping and killing villagers. This piece of evidence shows that black villages are being set on fire. This piece of evidence supports the claim that child soldier practices should not be banned because among the villagers there would be children being killed and they should not have to go through this and should not go through having to fight in