With these words in mind, I stand firmly AGAINST the resolution which states that: Immigration ought to be a human right. For the sake of clarification in this debate, I would like to define the following terms. Immigration is the action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country. Ought is defined as a term that is used to indicate duty. Human right is a right that is believed to belong justifiably to every person.
Value: Utilitarianism My value criterion is humanism because it is the best tool with which to measure if my value is being upheld in this debate.
I have three contentions, each of which upholds my value:
My 1st contention is that every human holds the moral human right to live wherever they want …show more content…
Every human is bound to take advantage of his or her natural right to protect himself or herself. It is a matter of survival in many situations like the European migrant crisis which is occurring currently. The choice, the decision to move into a another country is a matter of freedom. The ability to live where one wants to live is a human right. It is the freedom to move; the freedom to be free. The human right to immigrate is a right people have to enter and reside in foreign states for as long as they like. It thus includes the right to visit a foreign state for a short period of time, as well as the right to permanently reside there. However, the right does not in itself entail a right to citizenship in the state in which one resides.The human right to immigrate is grounded on interests that already recognized human freedom rights protect. By “human freedom rights” I mean the sorts of rights to basic freedoms that are found in international human rights documents. The …show more content…
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights recognizes each individual as having equal moral worth. It does not seek to realize equality in terms of equality of resources, but it seeks to promote equal autonomy among individuals regardless of their birth origin, sex, race, and religion. A country that only allows a certain group of people of a specific category to immigrate within its boundaries shall not be permitted. The value of an Islamic being is equivalent to a gay person. No matter how much categories or divisions there are that build barriers within humanity, the value of each individual remains the same. Allowing people of different culture to immigrate within another country would actually do more good than bad, like the right to “equal access to advantages” is also proclaimed in Article 27 where everyone has the right to freely participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancements and its benefits. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) thus seek to render equal autonomy to everybody by proclaiming that everybody should be informed of cultural life and advantages existing in the world, and should also be entitled to have ‘equal rights to access to the advantages’. Diversification between individuals seeks acceptance and the embracement of the global