What kind of father would be
What kind of father would be
2. How does John’s outlook about receiving help affect his ability to get his needs met?…
John is using the sympathy fallacy by making people feel bad for him growing up and how his family had a hard…
John was born on St. Patrick’s Day in 1942, two years after his older sister, Joanne. John Jr. and his family grew up with an abusive father, John Stanly Gacy (Amirante). He watched his father continuously abuse his mother, Marion Elaine Gacy and two sisters Joanne and Karen. He also got physically abused along with verbally. His father would often tell him that he was a “sissy” or a “mama’s boy” and that he was a failure. Throughout John’s childhood he sought for his father’s approval, but seldom did he get it (Amirante).…
neglectful, selfish and arrogant father. These reasons are just because they symbolize the bond between a father and son.…
7. P.J.’s parents provide neither warmth for him nor control of his actions. They do not spend much time with him, and they do not give him much opportunity for any real emotional bonding with them. According to Baumrind (1975, 1991), P.J. is receiving ________ parenting.…
Building good relationships involves time and effort. John Purcell never put any effort into trying to know his son because "most of the time he was too preoccupied with other things to pay much heed to the boy's activities". He never encouraged or supported Johnny and never participated or went to any of his son's events. He did not even know what baseball or swimming team Johnny was on. When the curate, Mr. Redpath, complimented Johnny on his exceptional swimming ability, the father realized that "he seemed to know less about the boy than anyone". However, he made the excuse that his son "was only a twelve-year-old who wanted to be left alone". Because…
One trait that clearly shows John is an unsatisfactory father is that he is neglective. This trait describes Mr. Purcell very accurately. An example of how John is neglective is when he had a meeting with the principal at Johnny’s school, regarding his grades. John had agreed to keep Johnny back a grade just so the meeting would end sooner “When the teacher had suggested keeping the boy in the same grade for a second year, he had acquiesced…
Theodore Roethke writes about a loving relationship between a father and his son in the poem “My Papa Waltz”. Their relation is so close and loving even though the father is alcoholic “the whiskey in your breath could make a boy dizzy.” He hung’s on to the dance with him and they dance through the kitchen making a mess and the son knows his mother will disapprove of it “my mother’s countenance could not inform itself.” The father waltzes his son to bed but he still insists on his shirt and this proves his love for his dad despite his shortcomings.…
Another trait his step father, Popé, showed was control. Also on page 125, he managed to control his anger and stop himself from hitting John. This shows control and stability by him being able to resist his emotions to teach his step son a lesson in life. Instead of hitting him and making him hate his father even more, he caught him in the act and made him stare at what he had done wrong for a long time. It's almost like forcing your dog to stare at the mess they made in the house. They will look away from it at all costs until you force them to see what they had done. John probably grew to respect his father after this as it takes allot or courage to get over an intense emotion like pain.…
Johnny has been so traumatized by his father’s selfish ways that he was too afraid to ask his father for the full scout uniform after his father had bought him hockey pads and a rifle the last Christmas. John didn’t like spending money on Johnny and John was scared to ask him to in fear that he would aggravate his father and cause him to get angry at him. John’s second most straightforward example of selfishness is how he worries that the scoutmasters will think that he’s “too cheap” to buy Johnny a Scout uniform. John constantly tries to make a good impression on other people think rather than trying to make a good impression on his son and strengthen the relationship to the former glory it once was. Lastly, John shows the epitome of selfishness by getting drunk at his son’s scout meeting despite being fully aware of how much the meeting means to the boy. John lets his selfishness overcome his will to regain their relationship and decides to become intoxicated and embarrass the boy, ruining any chance they had of regaining their…
Similarly, in Eric Miller’s article, "Why the Father Wound Matters: Consequences for Male Mental Health and the Father-Son Relationship", he addresses how much the father wound can impact adult male’s mental health. Many adult male hold a sense of loss, bitterness or grief towards father-son relationship because of the father wound that they experienced when they were young. His article mentions Bly’s argument in Iron John, how American culture encouraged somewhat a detachment between sons and fathers, which this sense of absent father may occur a wound in the son’s psych development. The absence of father involvement can be viewed as a potential form of psychological abuse that causes development deficit and father hunger. If the children could not fix the father wound, after they grow up, chances are that they suffer varying degrees of mental health issues. To avoid the suffering, having a healthy father-son relationship will highly decrease the risk of father wound. In "Memorable…
Eye witnesses have reported that Johnny was reportedly was running away from his father and the police are in the middle of investigating the father, John Purcell.…
What is a father? A father is someone who is more than just a person who created you. A father is a person who should be a mentor to you and helps guide you through life. What isn't a father is one who simply puts their children aside to live their own lives and have no part in their children's life and growth. The stories I will be contrasting are "The Last Game," by Jan Weiner and "Reunion," by John Cheever. My first reason of contrast is that in "Last Game," the relationship between characters Jan Weiner and his father is that of mutual admiration in which the son had great respect for his, his pride and braveness of choice which is contrasted in "Reunion," as the son Charlie has feelings of disdain for his a father in that his father's actions were disappointing, disgraceful and selfish. My second reason of contrast is in "Last Game," Jan Weiner's father is dealing with political problems in that he lived in the time of the holocaust and was Jewish, consistently chased by Nazi's who forced him to make a tough decision on suicide as opposed to dying the Nazi way which is contrasted in "Reunion," where the father is dealing with psychological problems in that he is a drunk who's very obnoxious with an abusive mentality. My last reason of contrast of contrast is in "Last Game," there is a strong bond between Jan and his father where their sense of family was strong and they had a deep understanding for each other is contrasted in "Reunion," as there was a lack of a bond due to the father's arrogance and bad personality. I chose these three reasons because I believe they represent and answer the questions what is and isn't a father.…
In this story, the son, Johnny, is "too shy to ask his own father" (Garner 65) if he would go to a scout meeting with him. The fact that he was too shy to ask for himself shows that…
“Any man can be a father, but it takes a special person to be a dad.” There are some people who do not have the opportunity to have a father in their life. Someone they can call dad. Like the men in the work’s “Daddy” Sylvia Plath and “My Papa’s Waltz” by Theodore Roethke. A similarity of the works is that that the fathers were admired by their children. In contrast, In “Daddy” the fathers was abusive and in “My Papa’s Waltz” the father wasn’t abusive towards the son.…