At some point and time everyone has had a moment when they reflect back to a certain situation where they would have the deposition of reversing time to repair the situation. Such as the time, when you had the most embarrassing moment of your life.So, now you want to reverse time and prevent yourself from doing that terrible mistake that wasn’t intended to occur. This is similar to what happened with the holocaust, it was something that many people look back and ask themselves, why Germans agreed with the execution of so many people? After the Holocaust occurred, Hitler wrote a book called, “Mein Kampf.” The book sold out incredibly fast and you might wonder why this book would be sold in the first place. Though, it is important to realize that the book is a excellent way to repair the damage done by German citizens. This way people will read the book and if someone has a similar way of knowledge and try’s to make the same thing happen then, they will able to …show more content…
In the book, Mein Kampf, Hitler wrote, “By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise.” In other words Hitler stated that with propaganda he could change people's attitudes like making them acknowledge that something might be horrible, look like it’s the right thing to do. In the same way, Hitler had many propaganda’s saying that: Jews were responsible for the failure of Germany in World War I, blame of military reduction, cause for the Great Depression, and also, for the struggle that germany faced during that period. Which made it seem the Jew’s were bad people and the problem to many other people. This had a big impact on people's