“Man fi have, nuff gal and gal ina bungle, gal from Rema and gal from Jungle…” Is a popular song by Jamaican reggae artiste Beenie Man. The song suggests that men should have multiple partners, a belief to which many Jamaican men also subscribe. A man having more than one wife is called Polygyny a form of polygamy that has been much debated in a lot of countries for years. Polygyny although illegal in Jamaica, remains acceptable in many cultures who argues that it should be practiced here. However, Men should not be allowed to have more than one wife in Jamaica as this would cause our morals and values to deteriorate and contribute to more troubled marriages which will have a negative impact on the children produced by these marriages.
Polygyny is a form of polygamy in which a man has more than one wife (oxford dictionary); helps in the deterioration of moral beliefs and values which will affect our structured system negatively.
Polygyny is In a highly Christian based country such as Jamaica men being allowed to have more than one wife will significantly fail from uplifting our moral beliefs of a stable family unit of one man, one woman and children. According to the BOHRD (2011), Christianity contributes to more than half the religious population. This religious group firmly believes that Polygyny should not be practiced and a marriage is the union between one man and one woman in which we as a country has adopted.To start allowing men to be able to have more than one wife will only deteriote our moral standards and belisfs. in almost every country where polygamy is practiced it is only polygyny which is allowed and women marrying more than one man are forbidden. Right there is a violation gender inequality as enshrined in (OECD. 2010) a . This act will promote a hypocritical and biased society when it comes to issues of men vs women and hence will promote the abuse of our women.
Polygamy also caused many problems within the home