To begin, college preparation is an essential for students wanting to attend college. However, I feel you should only have to start preparing when you are in your Junior or Senior year because you have a better understanding of what …show more content…
Whereas in middle school don’t really know what you want to do in life. Also in middle school,college isn’t even on your mind, you’re thinking about if the person you like, likes you too or your friends. When I was in middle school I definitely was not thinking about college. Middle school is much different from high school. You’re going through puberty and are starting to get more mature. You’re not thinking about which college you want to go to.
Once last reason why college preparation should be for Juniors and Seniors is because they are closer to going to college. As a junior you should already be getting an interest in which colleges you want to attend and what you would like to major in. Additionally, you should be looking for the requirements needed. Summer before senior year you should start doing college tours for the colleges you are interested in attending. Your senior year is where you start applying for college. You also are applying for scholarships and many other things. Your senior year is also the time to get items for your