The purpose of this research task is to investigate whether certain steroids should be legal or illegal. I will explore varying types of steroids, and the effect they have on humans as a whole. What’s important to note is that steroids do not only impact our bodies, but also psychological and external factors that will be discussed in the investigation. My main aim of this task is to differentiate as to which steroids are legal/ illegal and why this is the case. I personally believe steroids should be illegal.
Some steroids are produced by the human body, to assist with puberty and other processes and bodily functions. These are called corticosteroids. When people refer to steroids, they are most likely talking about anabolic steroids. Anabolic steroids are artificial hormones that function like androgens, which promote male characteristics and serve as the male’s sex hormones. The strongest and most obvious of the male sex hormones is testosterone. What is interesting about testosterone is that its androgenic effects are visible right from the prenatal stage through to the adult stage of an individual. Anabolic steroids come in the form of powders, injections or pills. These steroids increase strength and muscle mass in humans, and are thus seen as performance enhancing drugs. Anabolic steroids are …show more content…
Not all steroids are bad. Some steroids are used to improve a person’s health i.e. treatment of osteoporosis, and thus are not on the banned list. Certain steroids are on the banned list not only because they are performance enhancing, but also because they negatively impact the health of individuals. I feel it is the individual’s responsibility to refuse illegal/ sports enhancing drugs, and to respect their own bodies. Individuals need to also vigorously research which steroid they plan on